Saturday, 1 May 2010

Moving forward

That is one day I won't forget in a hurry. After that life went on,you know the usual,my sister and I playing in the dogs kennel,stealing cutlery from the house to use for eating the dog's food(its a miracle we never got sick),stealing jam from the fridge till one day my finger got stuck in the jam tin,man,my gran wasn't supposed to know but I screamed in pain till she came to help me. I got a stern talking to that day but the next day we were up to our old tricks as usual, if my uncle worked late my gran would put his food on the fridge till he came home,then I would stand on my sisters back and take the best from the plate(meat)and we would feed it to the dog or eat it depending on our mood. We were double the trouble. Or if my gran put in his work-bread,we would steal the soft part and leave him the crusts to eat at work,and we were only 4 years old. He worked at a mid mar and would sometimes bring wine home and hide it under his bed,then we would lay under the bed and drink till we vomited,that day we managed to get a hiding,and our baby brother's milk wasn't off limits,we loved baby milk and would eat it till we felt sick,till today I can't get enough of baby milk. We had so much,my mom's cousin's boyfriend would take us for a spin in his new car and we loved it! We had a good life till one day a friend of the family who sometimes came to visit,came looking for my uncle. We were playing on the stoop with a friend of ours(a boy) and we told the man that our uncle wasn't there. The man then said my mom sent him to fetch us(my mom was at work) we wanted to tell our gran who was in the house making jam.that we were going, but the man said that my gran knew. We went with him and he took us to the vlei where the bamboo grew thick. He slapped me and our friend and we fell to the ground. When I came to I could hear my sister screaming and got up and ran,it was late at night and God led me straight home that night. As I was running a lady came up to me and gave me a old R1 coin(she thought I was homeless)my face was bloody from my nose. As I neared my house the road was full of people looking for us as well as two police vans,my mom,who had been fetched from work when my gran realized we were missing,ran screaming to me anxious to know where my sister and our boy-friend was. I was in shock and couldn't utter a word,the policeman suggested they take me inside and give me sugar water. My uncle took me and put me on his shoulders and said that we're going to the vlei and I must point out where Verine' was,it was dark and I couldn't remember but my uncle said I must close my eyes and point. As I pointed where the feeling took me ,my sister screamed! My uncle and the people ran in that direction and found the man on top of her,they pulled him off and started hitting him till the police led him away. Thinking back now,I don't remember receiving counseling or there being any court case. He was a month in jail and let out. It was never discussed again and till today I don't know if he raped my sister. We weren't allowed to talk about it. He is a beggar and vagrant today pushing a trolley to survive. Just shows you that God gets them back,or rather what goes around,comes around. God is there in our weakest moments when we think we're on our own,He is always there watching. When we cry He is our tissue,when we laugh He is our joy,when we're in pain He is our painkiller,and when we sin,He is our salvation.
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